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Chapter 3 : Under the Mattress

   John took me to the station to get some weapons. We knew it was stealing but it's for greater good. Huh, greater good. Like there's any greater good things in this cold humid world with killings, drug cartel and raping. Nothing can be done except saving our own skins. We live in a world where non of greater good things are being cared by people. It's all about who is on the top and who's at the bottom. It's all about selfishness and stupidity. Civilization of animals have more pride than the civilization of men. Once we got what we needed, John drove us to the hideout or a safe house for Clemente. Likewise, an army was waiting for us to tie up loose ends. An army with guns and body armors. Clemente paid a group of mercenaries to protect him because of our last meeting didn't go so well for him. He knew what I was capable of. In fact, he knew what I don't know about me. I saw Clemente was wandering around the balcony. It was like seeing a ghost appeared in front of you. John gave me the guns from backseat. " Wait... You're not going to do this? " I asked John. He answered, " I'll come if you caught up in some trouble. " I replied, " I am in trouble. Right this fucking moment! " He dropped me. I couldn't do anything except watching him getting away. I walked by the bushes quietly. I saw Clemente was smoking by the balcony. Talking to somebody. I guess somebody important that could protect his ass from the authorities. His consigliere I guessed. I sneaked and scouted around to find my windows of opportunity. I guess my windows were fully shut by the unlucky. I had to do the thing I'm best at. Shooting his goons out in the open. They heard the gunshots. All of them started to panicked and started shooting back. The most panicked and scared one was Clemente. 

   " Cooper! I see him! " shouted Clemente on the balcony. I heard his shout. I was like death which was trying to get him. I was like the unimaginable demon came down from my hot ass throne to punish Clemente. He was wrong. I am only just a mere man trying to kill the most powerful Don in the family to clear my name of his hit-list. The night turned from dark and cold to bright with muzzle flashes and bloody. I hid behind a car. Clemente's goons didn't stop shooting. Yet, they started to smile when they saw me starting to get pinned. I was laughing because I can't get nowhere near Clemente at this rate. My ammo were running out. I didn't have any choices except taking a beat. I jumped and slided over the car to shoot at the goons. It felt awesome. I rolled down on the ground. I took a gun from the ground. I ran towards an asshole and shot him close range. I held his body as a cover or a dummy. Pushing his body towards a next cover. I rolled down and hid behind coverage. It was behind a wall. I saw one of them trying to flank me. I shot his head. He fell down and drowned in his own blood. Clemente was becoming more scared and pissed. How could not. He got a delivery of death on his doorstep. I fought my way up the safe house. Two were on the stairs. The same fucking scenario. I killed them both. I ran up the stairs and saw his consigliere was shouting at me. I couldn't hear much because my ear was partially deaf due to the shooting. I grabbed his neck. My hearing came back to function. " Fuck you! You think that Don would stay here as you come up busting your ass trying to kill him here?! Hahaha... Fuck you! " said Clemente's consigliere. The jokes were on me. Then I knew what John said about helping me when I caught up in trouble. I saw Clemente was trying to escape with his black Escalade. A loud long range rifle shot was heard nearby and Clemente fell on the ground. Thank you John. Fucking thanks.

  Clemente's consigliere was shocked. He shouted at me, " Fuck! Do you know what you've done?! You trying to clean the windshields by throwing shits at them! Fuck! Goodness fuck! " I replied, " Shut up! If you guys didn't sell The Jinx here in New York. I wouldn't have trying to kill your boss. " He replied, " The Jinx?! The Jinx was created not by us. Try to cut the head of the snake next time. Not the tail. Dumb fuck! " I kept my gun in its holster. I grabbed his collar. " Don't fuck with me. Who creates The Jinx? " He replied, " Fuck you. You just killed my source of income! " I shot his feet to increase the tense in asking questions. Interrogation is a bitch when you're the one is being question to. " Again! Who makes these fucking drugs?! Who?! " I yelled. I saw John came from afar. Coming down from the bushes. The consigliere answered, " Fuck! I don't know! I seriously don't fucking know! " I became furious and punched him in the face. " You know that I could make a scene here. I could throw you down there or I could shoot you with the shotgun and resulting you to fall down there. Still the same. With your blood in it. Take a pick. Or you could tell me who makes these drugs and I could leave you with one leg injured. " He answered, " Okay. I can only tell this much because I don't know any other things. I heard that they were made from the cops themselves. The corrupt ones. You know? " I shook my head. He continued, " The corrupted cops needed more money than ever. So they distributed this new drug. From where they got the recipe? Don't ask me. I don't know. Usually we buyers meet under the bypass near the police station. I can only grant you one name of the cops. His name, John Frier. " I was shocked. It gave me a moment of silent. I was way over my head. 

   John needed me to dispose the evidences of him joined hands with these new drugs. To do that he had to kill Clemente and Falcone. He engaged the war between Falcone and Clemente. He started it. He helped Clemente kidnapped Falcone's daughter. Fuck! I was in a state of devastated and confused. He came to me double sided. I could see him as a friend but I couldn't see him as a player. He played me like a pawn. I went down the stairs with a face of an idiot. A face of someone was in a confusion in his life. The confusion of whether he made the right decision or the wrong. The guilt started swallowing me up. I saw John. Smiling as he raised the rifle. He was satisfied because of his name was erase in the book of guilty in the evidences. I punched him in the face. " What the fuck! Brad! What the fuck are you doing?! " yelled John. I replied, " You played right at your fucking game. You played me right. Making me a pawn. Risking my life. What to lose, right eh? Fuck you! You think you can get away with this? " He sat on the ground from my punch. He wiped out the blood and laughed. " Hahaha! You are one fucking son of a bitch. You're not that stupid eh? Hahaha! " I replied, " Clemente's man told me just now. " He laughed and replied, " Hahaha! Fuck me. So what do you want me to do?! Confess?! Yes! I did it! I manufactured the drugs. With the helps of my colleagues. Actually our colleagues. I sold them to Clemente and hijacked Falcone's mind to steal them from Clemente. The Jinx is the best nowadays. All the youngsters wanted them. Including Katerina. I gave away Katerina's position for Clemente to kidnap her. Started a war between Falcone and Clemente. Genius eh? Then, asked for your help to kill Clemente. I seek your help because I know that you're the only one motherfucking desperate guy in need to see blood splatter. Making you a hero. Saved the day. You think that this is the only time I played you? Think back further. The Alcapone's cases. The overdosed girl's case. Fucking revelation ain't it? " I replied, " Thanks. That's all I needed to hear. " I grabbed my cellphone from my pocket. " Holstein. Did you hear it all? Great. Come now before he leaves. " John was confused and shocked. " What?! You?! Fuck! " I replied, " I'm sorry. You break my law. Not the authority's law. My law. " John ran behind a car for coverage and started shooting at me. I hid behind a car too. I jumped out of my cover while shooting. My shooting hit his shoulder. He dropped his gun. I ran and kicked his gun away. " Freeze! You have the right to remain silent... " He said as I was finishing my Miranda Rights, " Fuck you Cooper. You'll be dead. I guarantee that! You'll be fucking dead! " I cuffed him up and sat beside on top of him while he was lying on the ground. He kept swearing and cursing. I didn't care much.

   I took a cigarette and lit it up. A few seconds after that, Holstein arrived with a squad of cops. I smiled at John. Holstein shook my hands and said, " This time for real. I am proud of you. Thank you for solving this. " I replied, " Don't get dramatic. My back is in much pain right now. Fuck. " He replied, " Well. Let's get you fix up. " I went back home. I had to write a report but Holstein gave me a day off due to my new stitches and bruises. I crashed my bed. I closed my eyes. All I could see was how John kept the secrets and dark stuffs from me. Fuck. It was clearly in front of me. Yet I couldn't see it. He needed the job done by using me. He was a fucking mastermind. Played me like a puppet on strings. I rubbed my face and went to the bathroom. I wiped my face at the sink. I wiped the mirror. The visual of my face became clearer. It was a pathetic face of a man couldn't get satisfied. Only desperation and dissatisfaction. Although I caught him and put him in the slammer but I was not satisfied because I couldn't control my life. The emotions, the thoughts, the actions. All of it. I could not control them. I took a few tablets of painkillers. I swallowed them with the help of my beer. I walked to the balcony. I lit up my cigarette and started smoking. That's when I realized, I need to quit my job. Planned to go to ask for permission to quit my job from Holstein. I grabbed my coat and I felt a little dizzy. I opened the door and I fell down to the ground. Kissing the cold floor and my visions became darken. Limitations. I could only see a glimpse of a man was coming in. I tried to lift my body up. I didn't have the tendency to manage it. I fainted.

   My visions became clearer. I opened up my eyes and lift my body up. I felt like baseball bat hit me in the head. I walked to sink and washed my face. Then I realized, my house was infiltrated when I fainted. My actions became more careful. What did they took? Who the hell are they? My assumption became they not he or she because this must be a work of a group. The police siren was heard miles away. Getting louder. I ran to the balcony and saw a squad of armed cops charging into the building. Fuck me. I've been framed. No way out. Except bloody way. I took my coat and wore it. I took my gun out and cocked it. They saw me. " Cooper! Put your gun down. Now! " said one of the cops. I was not in the mood for chit chat and so were they. " Cooper! Last chance! Or we have to use lethal forces! " I stood still, armed yet pointing towards them. The moment paused like in a standoff. What the fuck just happened. They started shooting. I rolled and covered behind a wall. I tried not to make casualties. That would lead me into a whole new mess. I shot their legs. Flesh wounds. I kicked their guns. One cop named Billy on the tag. Billy charged towards me. He kicked me in the stomach. He tried to punched me but I blocked it and gave a nice uppercut at the chin. I punched him numerously towards the body. I kicked his leg and he knelt. I gave a kicked at his head. I took my gun back and ran up the stairs. It led me to the rooftop. I saw the cops were trying to chase me from downstairs. I opened the door to get me to rooftop. I closed it and locked it. I heard Holstein voices. He said, " Copper! Where did you put the drugs?! " I was confused and replied, " What drugs?! " He answered back, " The Jinx! " I was about to answer but I heard another cop was talking to Holstein, " Sir! The drugs were under his mattress. " Holstein said, " Sloppy move Cooper! You put John in jail and you've taken the victory. Yet, it was you all along. " I answered back, " Holstein, it wasn't me. I swear. John used me and now he frames me. Fuck! You got to believe me. " The door was starting crack. " Sorry kid. The evidences shown enough. " I ran away. I jumped towards another rooftop. The cops came out and started to chase me. I ran towards a door that could lead me downstairs. I opened the door and the cops were coming from downstairs. I was trapped. I started running and looking for a way. I jumped towards another rooftop. I took out my gun and shot in the air. The cops were shocked and quickly into covered. I ran towards the door and kicked it down. I ran downstairs. The cops were halfway upstairs. I kicked a door into an apartment. An Asian and his wife were watching the news in the television. The news about my great escape. Yet they involved in one. I saw a window that could lead me to another apartment. Without any hesitation or regrets, I ran and jumped from one building to another using a pass of two windows. One on each other building. I saw one cop saw me breaking the windows. I charged towards him and kicked his body. I elbowed his head and kneed his face. I continued my great escape from the cops. Endless flowing of cops. I saw a window that could lead me to another building. I jumped again from through the window. Repertoire of my actions.

   My hands were covered in blood. Blood came out of my hands due to the shards of glasses. Holstein was in front of me. He lifted his gun. Aiming at me. " Freeze! Cooper! " yelled Holstein. I answered, " Holstein. You got to believe me. Screw up I am but I don't do this. Holstein, give me a chance to prove you that I'm right. You know me better than anyone here. You know what I am capable of. If I'm guilty, I could have just kill those cops that were chasing me. " Holstein held his gun tight. He looked straight into my eyes. " Fuck! Cooper! You better be right about this. No more fuck ups! Understand. " I smiled and said, " Understand boss. " He replied, " I'm not your boss right now. Go! There is this boat waiting for people to sneak out of America to Puerto Rico. Go! " I replied, " But my passports and my identification... " Holstein cut my lines and said, " They'll sort it out on the boat. Go! " I asked, " How do you know of this? " He answered, " We should have gone on a raid on that boat, then, John confessed that you made him said to the phone. So, you became our number one priority. Now go! You don't have much time. " I was going to leave but Holstein called me. " Make it look real. " I punched Holstein in the face and the stomach. I ran away. I ran outside and stole Holstein's car. I drove to the dock. I saw Mexican men were guarding the place. I closed the door and walked towards them. One of them asked me, " You got money? " I answered, " No but I got this car. Deal? " They spoke to each other in Mexican and answered, " Yes. Get in. We're about to depart. " Fuck me. Now I am a rogue cop on a loose to Puerto Rico to settle down for a while with no money except my gun. My gun with only a two magazines. From a small mistake turned into one life threatening chase. Fuck my life.


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