Assalamualaikum. Today I'm going to share my experiences about being a facilitator in a Leadership Camp held by SMK Bandar Sungai Petani. I teamed up work with five of my friends. Afiq, Hafidzuddin, Hairris, Zarif and Zuhail. On the first day of the camp, we stayed at Camp B. It was quite hot. Although it was in the jungle but it was still hot. It was a mess so we cleaned up a little before the participants arrived. Then, we were introduced to the participants. Some of them were the SMK Bandar Sungai Petani Librarians and some of them were the ' Kadet Koreksional ' cadets. The second day, each facilitators was presented to our group among the participants. I chose a group called ' Kucing Menggoda '. Weird right? Anyways, the group consisted of 12 members. 8 of them were girls and 4 of them were boys. We had to do this traditional dancing at Cultural Night. First impression was this all was just a waste of time but then I put that aside when I saw my team worked together. I was amazed and actually kind of happy. We brainstormed and put all of our thoughts into the dance.
The second night was the stroll in the forest alone. Haha... classic camp activity. The facilitators were the 'scarers'. Each participants must stroll the forest alone in the night without any light just a candle guide them to the end. There were three checkpoints. The first checkpoint was Zuhail and Afiq. Then, the second was Zarif and Hairris. The last was me and Hafidzuddin. The hardcore 'scarers' ever. My scare tactic was Hafidzuddin and I got separated not far away. Then, the participants arrived at our checkpoint. Hafidzuddin ran down the bushes and trees while chasing like a psychopath and lead them to me. I crawled out like a psychopath and chased them. Then, voila there you go a kid screaming loudly. There was this boy who even ran and fell down. We apologized and they accepted.
The next day, in the morning, we went into a mangroves forest. Then came back from Jumaat solah, still the training day for the dance. It was tiring and I thought that our group's training wasn't going anywhere but I kept on believing that all of these efforts will be worth it. The night of the dance. We're all nervous. Seriously. I kept putting my head straight although I'm the one that was not sane at that time. After the dance, my group was like " Okay, we did our best. " I was amazed cause we won the points from the juries. The next morning was the farewell day. After the marching from the cadets and all that stuff, the participants were given back their phones. I became a selfie model for a while. When I packed my stuff, I was feeling sad to leave the place. Sad to leave my group. Sad to be apart from them. Some of them picked up my phone number. Some picked up from their friends. I miss that five days. Really. Seeing those faces again makes me happy. Now I hope they can succeed in their life by being happy. This is just a camp. I hope they'll never forget me cause I'll never forget them.
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