Just like always, this post is for me in the future. Dear me in the future, where you are right now, how do you do right now is all a matter of time before you'll meet another what so called a disaster. This is some advice for you. You need to prioritize what is a need and what is a want and what to do first. First of all, I am in a state of confusion right now. I am young. I need to swing my life towards the enjoyment a young person should want but I chased for the stars. I chased stuffs only an adult would only want. I don't need that right now. I need to know what I want and what I need. I don't need this, but I want this. Now I know what I have to do but I can't do anything until my heart changes what it wants. I'm an idiot, yeah, I know that. I put myself on the line too much. I put myself as a person who can do stuff others can't. Stupid. Now I'm going to enjoy this single life as a young idiotic boy who will fuck things up really nice and yet still gets away with it. Play video games, play around with friends, make my parents miss me so much, if I'm lucky I'll find the one.
Assalamualaikum. Good morning. " What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on? " - Gandalf from the The Hobbit I am not well. Not physically but mentally. I feel like gonna jump out of my skin. I feel the loneliness. Oh yes, I am right now single. Just broken up with a girl that I thought I could commit but I can't. She just not for me. Her ways are not for me. Actually before that I've broken up with the perfect girl that I've been together since form 2. Last year, I felt the love wasn't sparked anymore. I felt like the fire burnt out. What is wrong with me? I dropped a dime and I feel miserable because I dropped it. I shot a hole through everything I loved. I burnt my own castle and I feel miserable. Why did I did that? Allah has mysterious ways of showing me the light. I still...
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