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Showing posts from February, 2015

A Starter

     Assalamualaikum to the Muslims and hello or good evening to the non - Muslims. My name is Ahmad Redha. If you know me, you would know about my previous blogs. I've changed so many blogs cause of my personal life. No need to be poking around cause I will tell you guys in my blog. So for a starter... I will tell you about my upcoming examination results. The annually death results of SPM. Malaysian would know. When we talk about SPM, people will automatically go like " Goodness! Those exams are harder than a rock. ". Something like that. My friend came by my house. His name is Ahmad Hafidzuddin. He asked me, " Redha. Are you not afraid of the upcoming results? " I was busy looking up my computer and I turned around. I looked towards his eyes and said, " Maybe but I'm over it cause you know why? The results will come out no matter what except only by Allah's permission. It's pointless to be afraid. " He looked at me with a stupid pointles