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Showing posts from 2015

Semester Break Part 1

     Assalamualaikum and good morning or evening, depends on where you are. It's been a long time since I've updated something in my blog. Today I'll start writing back. First of all, I had finished my first semester as a college student, and it was a blast during the first semester. What a blast! I've done something incredible and out of my league. I've managed something impossible during the days in first semester. Okay enough of that. The semester breaks.      I had to go to this PRD ( Pembimbing Rakan Dinamik ) Camp, and it was enjoyable of course but the camp was the second day of my first semester break. I had one extra day to rot in college all by myself with some of my friends who went to the camp as well. We took that opportunity to go to Penang for a day. It started as to go all together but then we got separated in the way for some reason. Never mind that. Continue, me and my pal, Alif Zakwan or Z, we went to Penang by this car that we rent in K...

College of Mara Kulim Part 2

     Assalamualaikum and good morning. It's been a long time since I've posted something on the net. Now I'm going to write the second part about my college. Continue, I've met various kinds of friends that are good. I've made a pack called 'Dahsyat' during this Ramadhan. Dahsyat consists of me, Alif Zakwan, Adrian or Ad, and Syakir. At the orientation, I've made my name. People would know me but I don't half of them at that time. People would go, " Hey Redha, " or " Yo! Red! " or " Redha!!! " and in my mind, I would go, " Hey... who are you again? " or " Yo... my man??? " or " Bro!!! ". i've played my part during the orientation. Presented myself to people. Who am I and how I am. When the class started, I was submitted to a class called U. Then, they had some new students came in and I had to move to N class. Officially, a N class student. The teachers are friendly and yet helpful to me...

College of Mara Kulim Part 1

     Assalammualaikum and good morning or evening, depends on where you are. I want to babble about my journey entering College of Mara Kulim. Yes, Finally I'm a college student! First day of registration, I had no help from my parents. All they did were sending me and waited for me to finished the registration. I had to do everything myself. Some parents might saw that was kind of harsh but I know that they did that for me to be independent. I had to carry my own bags and everything. I met new people. Various kind of Malays from other states. Most of them are from Terengganu. The first two person I greeted were Faiz and Hadi. Both of them are assholes but cheerful. Then, there was this dude who lives in Kulim but previously lived in Kelantan. His name is Adrian. The accommodation is a dorm full with cubes. One cube can fit only two beds. My cube-mate is from Sungai Petani which means he lives near my house. When I meant near, I meant by very near. He lives in Taman Ria J...


     Assalamualaikum. Good morning. Today no quotes. Just me babbling again. Yesterday, I was working on farming at my friend's house. He asked for a favor, so I helped him. I saw the endless horizon of paddy fields and the mountains. Then, I thought of myself. I'm helping him or he's helping me? That is the question. For the physically, people would see that I'm helping him but for myself, actually, he was helping me trying to fight sickness. The sickness of the mind. I am single and my actions before this are regrettable. My mind is ill, and my friends are helping me to un-sick it. That is the message for today, friendships. You think that friends always end because of stupid quotes or image-art in Facebook about, friEND equals to END. Well, let me tell you something, friends are the one of the people that pull you out from the trenches. You cannot heal from the sickness of mind without the helps from friends, family, yourself and the most important one is Allah. Now ...


     Assalamualaikum. Good morning.       " What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on? " - Gandalf from the The Hobbit      I am not well. Not physically but mentally. I feel like gonna jump out of my skin. I feel the loneliness. Oh yes, I am right now single. Just broken up with a girl that I thought I could commit but I can't. She just not for me. Her ways are not for me. Actually before that I've broken up with the perfect girl that I've been together since form 2. Last year, I felt the love wasn't sparked anymore. I felt like the fire burnt out. What is wrong with me? I dropped a dime and I feel miserable because I dropped it. I shot a hole through everything I loved. I burnt my own castle and I feel miserable. Why did I did that? Allah has mysterious ways of showing me the light. I still...

Starry Night

     Underneath the bed of skies, I could see stars gazing. The moment of living one night without the lights of the streets or the suburbs. One night where friendship turn to bond. One night where I realized Allah's creations are magnificent. The night where problem is a way to find peace. One night where I realized that we are all just nomads. One night where I realized imaginations don't concern ages. My head was on the sand at the beach. I could see clear skies full with dead stars. Yet we call them stars because of we could still see them. They aren't there anymore. Just like dreaming without working. There is no victory without plan and working.

Turn Back

     Assalamualaikum and good morning. Today I'm going to talk about our life. Life has no U-turn or a way to turn back. Everything is determined. Whether you like it or not. I realized it yesterday when I was showering. Most men find revelations in the bathroom. I realized that we could not turn back. We could only just look behind and feel the past. We cannot undo what we have done. What done is done. We cannot change it but we can change the future. Know our wrongs and try to prevent it from happening again in the future. I made a lot of mistakes in the past. A lot of mistakes. Countless mistakes. Yet the only thing I can do is do not let it happens again. Now I'm currently waiting for my friend to pick me up to go out. His name is Ahmad Hafidzuddin as I wrote before. I got to go. Wait for him downstairs. He just called me. He's here already. Bye and Assalamualaikum.


     Assalamualaikum to the Muslims and good morning to the non-Muslims. I want to confess that I pretty much wasted my time before this. I woke up at 2 p.m. and didn't feel human. I felt like a hole of desperation and waiting is at the bottom of heart. Right now I'm just waiting for my registration day into Kolej Mara Kulim. I wasted my time. I could have just study about geocentric and astrophysics but I kept doing wasteful stuffs like downloading movies and series. Playing the android game called Township. I don't what to do now. I'm writing this blog just in order to feel okay. We humans should not waste time because time don't just come back right at us. It keeps flowing until the end. Cherish your time and do or make up good stuff of it. Don't be like me and complain about yourself in your own blog about how much you wasted time. Just be a well managed human. I just heard my mom calling me from downstairs. I got to go. Assalamualaikum and good morning  

Brad Cooper

     Assalamualaikum... I am currently writing a story called Brad Cooper. Yes, Brad Cooper. A story about... mystery. Read it yourself when I publish it or write it on blog. Sorry for the lack of updates. Busy... kind of busy. I pray you all in good health as well as I. Pray for me to get an opportunity to study in UniKL will you? Thanks. Bye.

Just A Camp

     Assalamualaikum. Today I'm going to share my experiences about being a facilitator in a Leadership Camp held by SMK Bandar Sungai Petani. I teamed up work with five of my friends. Afiq, Hafidzuddin, Hairris, Zarif and Zuhail. On the first day of the camp, we stayed at Camp B. It was quite hot. Although it was in the jungle but it was still hot. It was a mess so we cleaned up a little before the participants arrived. Then, we were introduced to the participants. Some of them were the SMK Bandar Sungai Petani Librarians and some of them were the ' Kadet Koreksional ' cadets. The second day, each facilitators was presented to our group among the participants. I chose a group called ' Kucing Menggoda '. Weird right? Anyways, the group consisted of 12 members. 8 of them were girls and 4 of them were boys. We had to do this traditional dancing at Cultural Night. First impression was this all was just a waste of time but then I put that aside when I saw my team worked...


     Assalamualaikum and good morning or afternoon or evening to you readers. Pause is the title. Why pause? Right? Pause is actually directed to my posts. I'm sorry if I cannot write posts for you regular or non regular readers. This is because of I'm writing a story. Ha... A story. My story is about "No Spoilers". Did you see what I did there? Haha... So you can wait for a page tab to open up beside the 'My Life' tab. Read and judge me by a direct email message only. So now I got to go. Someone is waiting for me to Whatsapp her. So I must be going. Assalamualaikum, arrividerchi, good bye.


     Assalamualaikum and good day... If you noticed that this post came out early than usual, that is because I have nothing to do. So... results. Let me tell you guys date by date. 2/3/2015     That night, my mind is boggling with questions that myself couldn't answer. The questions of, " How is my results? " or " How much A's I obtain? " or " Damn, am I getting good results or the worse? " I even call someone to brag about my feelings. It was late night like 12 o'clock I think. I walked around my room with my hands rubbing my head. I sat down on my chair near the computer desk and I leaned back and looked towards the ceiling. What I could see was nothing, only ceiling. I turned my computer on. I tried to play games but fear overcame my appetite to play games. Google Chrome button was clicked. The search box searched for Facebook. On the damn wall, numerous post about people's feelings about the results. I still couldn't sleep. I shut ...


     Assalamualaikum to the blessed Muslims!!! Good morning ( or evening ) to the non - Muslims!!! Today I'm going to babble about Colours. If you notice why I spelled Colours with a U, that is because of Malaysia once were colonized by the Brits. In America, people always spell Color without U. Right? If I'm wrong, correct me. Well back to the topic. Colours. Humans have personalities. People have personalities. We were a clean white sheet once. Don't take this literally. Just saying. We were a clean white sheet once. The people and us colour the sheet of people. How well we're colouring the sheet shows how well we're doing in this world. Sometimes we chose the wrong colour to paint the sheet. That is when we chose the wrong things in life. Sometimes we paint the sheet as beautiful as the scenery of the viewpoint in Iceland. That is when we made ourselves and all the things or people around us happy. I made mistakes before this because I'm a normal human being....

Turn Over A New Leaf

     Assalamualaikum and good evening. Today, I will share about... precisely about the topic. Most of us knew about this idiom. Some of us don't. Well, Turn over a new leaf is meant by to reform or to begin again. What to reform? What to begin again? Ourselves. Some of us or should I say most of us have committed sins. We need to beg for forgiveness from The Almighty. I've been wronged before. We need to change ourselves into a better man or woman. We need to follow the right path. We need to get The Almighty's blessings. Who are we? We are just common, weak humans. If we know that we've been bad or we're doing bad things, we need to change ourselves. Set our mind straight. Do what must be done and abandon what must be repel. Turn over a new leaf. The Almighty is the most forgiving. Now I've got to go. I have my Maghrib Prayer to pray. Assalamualaikum and good evening.

A Starter

     Assalamualaikum to the Muslims and hello or good evening to the non - Muslims. My name is Ahmad Redha. If you know me, you would know about my previous blogs. I've changed so many blogs cause of my personal life. No need to be poking around cause I will tell you guys in my blog. So for a starter... I will tell you about my upcoming examination results. The annually death results of SPM. Malaysian would know. When we talk about SPM, people will automatically go like " Goodness! Those exams are harder than a rock. ". Something like that. My friend came by my house. His name is Ahmad Hafidzuddin. He asked me, " Redha. Are you not afraid of the upcoming results? " I was busy looking up my computer and I turned around. I looked towards his eyes and said, " Maybe but I'm over it cause you know why? The results will come out no matter what except only by Allah's permission. It's pointless to be afraid. " He looked at me with a stupid pointles...