Assalamualaikum. Good morning. Today no quotes. Just me babbling again. Yesterday, I was working on farming at my friend's house. He asked for a favor, so I helped him. I saw the endless horizon of paddy fields and the mountains. Then, I thought of myself. I'm helping him or he's helping me? That is the question. For the physically, people would see that I'm helping him but for myself, actually, he was helping me trying to fight sickness. The sickness of the mind. I am single and my actions before this are regrettable. My mind is ill, and my friends are helping me to un-sick it. That is the message for today, friendships. You think that friends always end because of stupid quotes or image-art in Facebook about, friEND equals to END. Well, let me tell you something, friends are the one of the people that pull you out from the trenches. You cannot heal from the sickness of mind without the helps from friends, family, yourself and the most important one is Allah. Now I got to go, jobs need to be done.
Assalamualaikum. Good morning. " What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on? " - Gandalf from the The Hobbit I am not well. Not physically but mentally. I feel like gonna jump out of my skin. I feel the loneliness. Oh yes, I am right now single. Just broken up with a girl that I thought I could commit but I can't. She just not for me. Her ways are not for me. Actually before that I've broken up with the perfect girl that I've been together since form 2. Last year, I felt the love wasn't sparked anymore. I felt like the fire burnt out. What is wrong with me? I dropped a dime and I feel miserable because I dropped it. I shot a hole through everything I loved. I burnt my own castle and I feel miserable. Why did I did that? Allah has mysterious ways of showing me the light. I still...
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