Assalamualikum and good morning. It's been a long time since I've wrote something in this blog. The name of the title is the name of my memory. Ho... That's a little too deep. Okay I'll rephrase it, it is a time of me when I was 14 and 15 years old. The year of me fooling around as kid with my friend Firdaus trying to become a deejay and I mixed all these songs and it firstly turned out to be good. Then as I grew older, it was a funny thing to be proud of when I was younger. I would remix this weird edm genre musics and transfer it to my USB drive. I rode my bike or ran to Firdaus' house and let him listen to it. On regularly Friday, he would come to my house after Jumaat prayer and we would play Slenderman or Amnesia The Dark Descent.
Assalamualaikum. Good morning. " What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on? " - Gandalf from the The Hobbit I am not well. Not physically but mentally. I feel like gonna jump out of my skin. I feel the loneliness. Oh yes, I am right now single. Just broken up with a girl that I thought I could commit but I can't. She just not for me. Her ways are not for me. Actually before that I've broken up with the perfect girl that I've been together since form 2. Last year, I felt the love wasn't sparked anymore. I felt like the fire burnt out. What is wrong with me? I dropped a dime and I feel miserable because I dropped it. I shot a hole through everything I loved. I burnt my own castle and I feel miserable. Why did I did that? Allah has mysterious ways of showing me the light. I still...
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