Hi guys, I'm doing good so far. How are ye? I hope you're well as well. Currently, I'm not well. Got a flu. Fekin cold in Ireland is not good. It's 10 times worse than having it in Malaysia. I've been coughing nearly the whole day now. My boss kept asking me if I'm okay. Same answer every time, "Been worse."
So, I'm just writing this to update that I'm good. Everything's good so far. Just bought a monitor a while back. I brought most of my stuff from Malaysia. Works going fine. Got a lot of stuff to do here at work. Mostly boring stuff, nothing that I haven't done before. Next week is getting exciting I guess because I'm going to learn a new process in Semiconductor. That'll be grand as they say.
Missing my wife actually. Although, it'll just a few hours of me and my wife are apart, where I'm going to work, and she'll stay at home doing home stuff. We got married in May last year. I planned my things accordingly. What I planned was, to get married, buy some furniture, get stable and search for a house to buy and just get settled but nah... God has other plans for me and now we're Ireland and I'm grateful for this. I hope one day I can settle down. Go to work, go back home, just hangout, play games, watch movies and what not. One day. Got to work hard for that.
I don't know if she reads this or not, but she doesn't know that I love her very much. Okay bye. See ye later.
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