It was September 2016. It was a breezy morning. I was reluctant to go to the registration of my bachelor's degree in university as all my hometown friends are still on their holiday. It was a shitty thing for me to say but I hate my registration university. But something else was on my mind that day as I can meet my college friends back especially Adrian Shahrin. My one true bro throughout my foundation and bachelor's degree. It's been a long time since the last time we met, and it was a blast to see him again. When I was busy register, I looked around and saw lots of new faces. Some of them were going to be my friends and some of them, I never really bothered that much.
After the registration, me and Adrian saw our old room as we had technical training at the university before. It was kind of compulsory for us foundation students to go through the technical training before entering our bachelor's degree. The room was a mess as we left for 3 months and no cleaner or janitor cleaned it. And we met our old roommate, Syafiq TSJ. I'll explain later about the TSJ. The name will get shorten by each year. We had a new roommate by the name of Zul. Zul was J's (J=Syafiq TSJ) friend since his college year.
Skip to weeks or months forward, our room can only fit 4 people. Yes four. Quattro. Only four. But Ad (Adrian) was a friend where he likes to expand his connection with people, and we befriended Ali and Mizan. Ali is a new friend of ours and Mizan was a friend of Zul's and J's. Ali's and Mizan's room were two floors above ours and they bunked up with seniors. Thus, the class schedule was different between them and their roommates. For that they made the decision to bunk in with us. Remember what I just said right? No? Our room can only fit for four people, and we have six people now with us in one room. At the beginning, I was kind of bugged by the tight space in my room but somehow, we managed to make it less tight and manageable.
For the months during the first semester, I would play DoTA 2 for hours and hours and I was not in the mood for studying. That led me to not studying and more playing games. Thus, my results are not the best, but it was okay for the first semester. It was not great compared to my previous results, but it was okay in terms of result. J and Zul, both got very good results due to their never-ending efforts. Ad's results were not bad consider that we both never studied for the examination, and he still managed to get a dean's list.
I know this post seems like it is jumbled up into different parts of what I've been through but yeah, bear with me... during my first semester in UniKL. I always watch this Let's Play from JacksepticEye and PewDiePie. Yes, I have a lot of spare times during my university time. I watched and still watching Let's Play. 2 weeks or 3 weeks later, I developed an interest of also doing the Let's Play. Thus, Red1917 youtube channel was born. I played a bunch of games, and I recorded a lot of videos of me playing the games, but I have no direction. I would just play and record and edit, then, I would show it to Ad. From that, if Ad told me that the video was okay, then, I would upload it to Youtube. If he's reluctant to give a comment on the video, I would scrap and delete them. I played a lot of games and most of them made me lost interest in continuing to play and record. Just like I said, no sense of direction whatsoever.
So that's it for today post, this post took 3 months to write. Now I'm finishing it in my office at SilTerra Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Yep... I finished my study and now I'm working. Time flies.
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